YOG | what are the benefits of Yoga

YOG  | What are the Benefits of Yoga

Yog is a spiritual activity in which Body , Mind and Soul works together to give peace to human body and mind. The past of yog is related to India and Nepal Countries. Now a days Yog is also known as Yoga.
On 11th December 2014 , the United Nations General Assembly has assigned 21st june as a World Yoga Day .


What are the Benefits of Yoga in Our Daily Life :

yoga benefits, yoga
yoga benefits

Yoga plays an important role in our busy and fast life . Today's life is full of stress and strain and in this way Yoga is very important role in our daily life. With the help of yoga ( Meditation ) we can  live life in a better way. Main benefits of Yoga in our daily life are listed below which can make our life with full of joy and happiness.

  • Daily Yoga exercises improves the Strength , Flexibility and Body Structure of our body and feels us more reliable and flexible.

yoga, yoga exercies
yoga exercise

  • Yoga exercise reduces the Weight of human body and also remove unwanted fat of the body. People who do Yoga exercise daily can reduce their weight and this is the simplest and have no harmful effect on our body like other weight loss process in the market available.

weight loss exercise,weight loss
weight loss

  • It Improves the Immunity system of our body and thus provides us a healthy body which can protect us from many types of disease and give us a healthy life.
immunity,yoga immunity
immunity system

  • Yoga improves the breathing system of human body and also improves the lungs and blood circulation of the body. This improve the blood circulation of the human body and give an energetic motion to the body.

anulom vilom, anulom vilom exercise
anulom vilom

  • Daily yoga exercise reduces the stress of life and human become happy in his/her life. This give him a happy life with his/her family.So,yoga plays an important role for happy life for people.

yoga, yoga happy life
happy life

  • Yoga plays an important role for long and happy life in our life. People who do yoga daily leaves a long and happy life. Yoga improve the life standards of a person and thus give him strength to take positive decisions in his life.

long life, long life happiness
long life

  • Yoga gives peace of mind which is very important in today's fast and busy life . Human life is like a race and we race every day to become first from others which reduces the life's happiness and moral values . Yoga provides us a better and happy life and we can also achieve our goals easily.

yoga,yoga peace of mind
peace of mind


Milan Tomic

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